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Size of Tables and Indexes in Database

SuiteCRM’s Database can grow to a considerable size, depending on your use of the system. Having lots of data can be a good thing, but sometimes while investigating some error or performance problem, you will find an overgrown table. This post helps you track down those issues.

Be careful when handling data directly in the database. A single badly written DELETE query can ruin your database. Be sure to Backup first and do things at your own risk.

A view of table and index sizes

Here’s a fancy query I picked up from somewhere on the web to get a view of your database sizes:

SELECT CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name),
       CONCAT(ROUND(table_rows / 1000000, 3), 'M')                                    AS 'rows',
       CONCAT(ROUND(data_length / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 3), 'G')                    AS 'DATA',
       CONCAT(ROUND(index_length / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 3), 'G')                   AS 'idx',
       CONCAT(ROUND(( data_length + index_length ) / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 3), 'G') AS 'total_size',
       ROUND(index_length / data_length, 3)                                           AS 'idxfrac'
FROM   information_schema.TABLES
ORDER  BY data_length + index_length DESC

You can run this query from phpMyAdmin or MySQL, or the equivalent for your database.

Don’t jump into conclusions when seeing the results. You need to think whether the numbers make sense for you, knowing your data and your company’s activity. If something stands out as unjustified, then you might have found a problem.

Deleted records

SuiteCRM doesn’t really delete records when you delete them from the user interface. It simply marks them by setting a field called deleted to 1. Then all the other queries in the app ignore these records, so they don’t appear anywhere in the app. But if you really need to recover them, you can do so by accessing the database directly and setting deleted back to 0.

If you have too many of those, normally you can safely purge them from the database. There is a Scheduler Job that does that maintenance, it’s called Prune Database on 1st of Month. Note that it is not enabled by default, you have to enable it deliberately, after considering the pros and cons of keeping deleted records in your case. It’s your call after considering what kind of usage you have, and what kind (and frequency) of backups you have.

Job queue left-overs

If you see a very large job_queue table, you might want to purge it. I’ve used this query to look at old job_queue entries:

SELECT * FROM `job_queue` where status= 'done' and date_modified > date_sub(now(), interval 1 month)

Workflow left-overs

Other tables that frequently need manual pruning are aow_processed and aow_processed_aow_actions. These are related to Workflows and depend on your use of repeated runs. See this discussion for some interesting comments. Be careful and backup before touching this. But if you find 14 million rows here, like a user once reported in the forums, you know what to work on.

Slow queries

To check if an app performance problem is a database performance problem, you can go into Admin/ System Settings and turn on the Log slow queries option. Set the Slow query time threshold (msec) parameter to configure how long a query has to take to be logged.

Then use the app for a while and check the logs to see which queries are taking longest. A really unusual delay could be a sign of database corruption, index corruption, the need for a new or better index, even disk problems. But this logging is a good start to hunt down your problem.

Orphan records in relationships

Finally, another kind of orphan data is records of relationships where one side of the relationship no longer exists. Often this is not wrong at all (when you delete a Contact there is no reason to delete an associated Account), but other times there is nothing more to store after the record is deleted.

These orphan records can be many in tables like securitygroups_records (you don’t need security descriptors of records you no longer keep). I once had a SuiteCRM installation with tons of orphan records caused by my own import process. Successive cycles of import/delete/import left many loose ends in the database.

You can hunt down these rows with clever SQL.

Written on September 13, 2017, included in categories Database, Troubleshooting,

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